With summer officially over I thought I'd do post about all of the wonderful camps James was able to attend this summer. I was torn between putting him in day school at NPDS for one last summer or putting him in various camps. Although it was more expensive, I opted for the different camps because I knew it would keep him more engaged and allow him to experience new fun things. I also buddied him up with a friend for all of the camps so that he would know someone at each camp and feel more comfortable. He had an absolute blast at each and every camp and we will definitely be returning to some of them next year.
Camp 1: Zoo Camp
This is the first year James has ever attended this camp, but I had heard nothing but great things about it and it definitely did not disappoint. James learned so many things about the animals and met a lot of new friends. We will definitely be returning for this camp next year.
James with his buddy Lyla all ready for camp |
James and his class in front of the hippos |
James' class riding the train |
All the little campers
Camp 2: Artworks Camp
We signed the kids up for Artworks camp this year, but only for the morning session. Note to self: for the extra $50 just sign them up for the full day. I think James would have enjoyed it more if he could have stayed all day, but we just weren't sure they would fully enjoy it. It definitely was a fun camp and I'll probably send him back next year.
James with all of his artwork from the week
Camp 3: Aerial Athletics "Out of this World" Camp
This was the first year we went to Aerial Athletics because we went to Olympia Gym for camp last year, but at the recommendation of a friend we decided to try out a new gym. James had a great time and they even took a field trip to a nearby park and went out for ice cream on the their last day. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures from the camp. I'm not sure if I would return to this camp next year however. I was happy with it, but it didn't seem much different than the camp at Olympia Gym and the location of that gym is much more convenient to our home. We'll probably do gymnastic camp again next year because it's such a great way to get the kids energy out, but I would likely go to Olympia Gym instead.
Camp 4: Magik Theater Camp--Camp Showbiz!
This was probably my favorite camp that I sent James to. This was his second year to do camp at Magik Theater and he loved it just as much this time around as he did last year. They do an amazing job at this camp and have the logistics of it down to a T. At this camp they put the children into different age groups and each group does their own play which is showcased at the end of the week on Saturday morning. I think this camp is amazing for developing the children's confidence and allowing them to play out a make-believe world for entertainment purposes. Last year James played "Abu" in a play which was based off of Aladdin. Unfortunately we were unable to attend the performance because we were in the hospital having just given birth to Jackson. Much to my chagrin, we were unable to see James do a performance this year as well. You see, James was in class with not only Lyla, but also another friend from his soccer team, Christopher and they tend to get into a little bit of trouble together and this was no different at camp. We got called a couple of times about their behavior and unfortunately the camp directors felt it was better if they weren't in the performance because they were a disturbance. I really do love this camp, but I was a little bit disappointed in how they handled the situation. I guess they really just have a no tolerance policy for not listening and obeying the camp counselors. We are currently undecided if we will go back to it next year which really makes me disappointed because I truly did love this camp the most.
James and Lyla all ready for camp on their first day |